Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rose's Hearty Minestrone!

Hey everybody!  Rose here, and today, we're sharing our awesome Hearty Minestrone recipe!  We love soups in our house- they last a long time, are relatively inexpensive, and are fun to make.  Minestrone especially, because we put tons o veggies! :D

We haven't been able to find a recipe we like, so like many others before us, we've developed our own.  It's probably closer to a "stew" but that's ok- we love stew too!

A lot of our cooking is done without measuring everything, so while I'll put the number of each ingredient the recipe calls for, our pictures won't be exactly the same amounts.  We're also making double what the recipe calls for (freezing half for next week) so our proportions will seem really big, if you're going off the recipe.

Anywho, please feel free to check out our recipe, use it, copy it, modify it to fit your tastes, whatever, and just have fun! :D
